To The Other Shore
Botswana elephants are now facing the same threats as others. Elephant poaching on the rise in Botswana.
18 x 24" drawing by Anna Zumwalt.
18 x 24" drawing by Anna Zumwalt. 
Hope version 1
This little bird is a Rufous-bellied Thrush, the National Bird of Brazil... its wings are soaked, spreading water, in hope of saving the forest. ... beginning of a "Buddhist" series.
18 x 24" drawing by Anna Zumwalt.
Hope version 2
This little bird is a Rufous-bellied Thrush, the National Bird of Brazil... its wings are soaked, spreading water, in hope of saving the forest. ... beginning of a "Buddhist" series.
18 x 24" drawing by Anna Zumwalt.
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